Swarm Removal
"We Help Honey Bees With People Problems"

Certified N.M. True Honey and HoneyBee By-Products.
Our Bee Package and Bee Hive Price List
Reserving orders for Langstroth
Nucleus Colonies
Use contact form to place your name on the waiting list.
We recommend keeping two Hives of the same type, this practice will afford you with additional resources to manage any deficits that a colony may experience.
5 Frame Nucs
By Advance Order Only
$ 300
Our 5 Frame Nucs are placed in your Langstroth Hive, includes a current year queen, 4 frames which are a combination of drawn comb with bees, brood, nectar in various stages of ripening and pollen with one frame with foundation. When installing package bees there is a risk that the bees will abscond from the hive after a few days. With the presence of open brood in an established colony we find that the bees are much less likely to abscond. All we will need to do is transfer the contents of the nuc to you your Langstroth equipment. we also offer Waxed Cardboard Nucs and commercial Hive options
Single Body Commercial Hive
Langstroth Hive Body.
By Advance Order Only.
$ 400
Single Hive with Bees in a 10 frame hive body with a current year queen, at Least 6-7 frames are a combination of drawn comb with bees, brood, honey and pollen and 3-4 additional frames of undrawn plasticell foundation or foundationless frames. These hives are delivered with a commercial top and bottom for easy transportation. NOTE: You will need a second and third super as this hive grows during the season (depending on food resources and hive management).
Mated Queen Bees for Sale
(Available Mid June)
**New Mexico Survivor Genetics Inquire for Availability, available (June-July-August)
All Queens are for the Current Year